6th week in a row for this little series of posts. I’m getting better at compiling the notes on a daily basis ready to polish and publish on a Friday (ahem). I have a little workflow on the go involving cloning a post which has everything set up and ready to go.
Also I’m dog fooding a little bit – I use my own Content Visibility plugin to write private notes on these posts which only I can see. 🐶
As you may be able to tell, I wrote the above before Friday. I didn’t get this published until (SuperBowl) Sunday. It is what it is. Also, it’s a lot shorter than last week. And that’s ok. 🦉
Some potentially excellent news this week with regards to some of the vaccines we have being decent at preventing transmission. mRNA vaccines are theorized to do likewise, so if that turns out to be true, then this could be the way we get out of this. 💉
Automatically embedding tweets from just the URL is a neat feature of WordPress. However, tweets can be deleted, so this tool to convert tweets to images seems handy. 🐦
How to avoid layout shifts caused by web fonts. 🔡

BC COVID-19 Vaccine Count: 2.91% (+0.44%) and 2.37% (+0.18%) Canada-wide. 👩🏼⚕️